Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Levitation, holmes

A fun photo from last Saturday's LA vs. Gotham game, courtesy of photographer Sir Clicks-a-Lot:

There's a story behind this photo, but for now I shall truncate it to a tale about pizza distribution, a certain attitude about pizza distribution while looking for beer from those who didn't get pizza, assorted tableflipping by people in response to attitudes, and the realization that asking Tara Armov to flip a table will only result in a broken table and dead silence.

OR I could say that this was my reaction when I heard that people thought I went easy on the latest crop of Fresh Meat skaters on their first FM practice the day after the LA/Gotham game.  Which I call total shenanigans on since I came out of that practice with a chin that was knocked on the floor during a demonstration and a pulled muscle in my back...though that last one could've happened during wRECk League where I was thrown onto my back during scrimmage.

ANYWAY, hilarious photo about a levitating table, yes?


Corazon said...

Either scenario bodes poorly in my favor. YAY MY LIFE.

Table-lovin' Troy said...

Jesus Christ ... is the table okay?

Gia said...


Bratty Duke RRG said...

Tenacious D, love it.