Saturday, May 06, 2006

Five-o dee May-o

Most LA folk spend Cinco de Mayo drinking margaritas and partying. I'm certainly not adverse to such activity, but this year I did something different.

I went to a wedding at the LA Zoo.

Yes, at the Zoo.

It was pretty fun...we got to ride a tram, see the giraffes and an elephant, make fun of peacocks, and -- the best part -- we had chimpanzees screaming throughout the ceremony. That was cool. The groom (Mudsock) and bride (Starfish) looked wonderful and put on a great gig. To be honest I always thought that Starfish would rather lick the sweat off of an obese gymnast's buttcrack during a particularly humid summer afternoon than talk to me, so I was pleasantly startled to be included in the whole chimp-screaming adventure, since it was a small, intimate affair. It was also pleasant to see other work colleagues whom I haven't talked to in about forever. Hi kids...leave a comment, dammit!

Anyway, it was a fun evening and a heartfelt wedding. It was quite nice to go to a ceremony that wasn't caught up in ceremony.

In other news...

Two weeks left on Scooby Doo, then it's blessed unemployed release. I'm thinking of going back up to Sackoftomatoes for the Sac City Rollers' first hometown bout. I also have two toilet seats to paint, a monkey logo to draw, and those damn buttons that I keep threatening to order need to be ordered.

On Wednesday I went to a fundraiser at a local bar for the new flat-track derby league that broke away from the Derby Dolls. Overall I had fun and even bought a shirt. I had a long discussion with some skaters who haven't made up their minds about whether to stay with the Dolls or go to this new league. What's the problem? Well, some of them are up to be placed on Derby Doll teams, but these girls are kinda opinionated about which team they want to be on. In fact, they said that if they're placed on a particular team(not mine...they apparently like my they should!), they'd rather quit the Dolls and go to the flat-track league. Oy vey! What the hell am I supposed to do with that information?! Seriously, I'm at a loss as to how to handle it. And this is happening during our supposed league hiatus. Hiatus, schmiatus, apparently.

I have to work this weekend. As well as go to San Diego to check out the first exhibition bout for the sister league. I'm looking forward to that, as I'll be able to use my human megaphone powers during the game for good instead of evil.

Below is a doodle that was drawn when I was depressed a few years ago. I forget what exactly I was depressed about when I drew it, but I remember the general feeling of misery when I look at it.

1 comment:

RedDiabla said...


They're even nice!