Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Scooby DON'T

I'm trying frantically to stay on schedule with the Scooby Doo direct-to-video project I'm on. I usually don't have to stress out so much to be on time. I spent alllllll weekend working on the shit for a rough pass that's due later today, and it looks horrible, as I ended up xeroxing up tiny little thumbnail drawings 220% to slap down onto the board paper to turn in. Hideous!

Yesterday I found out why I'm having such trouble. The script is divided into three acts, with a sequence director and two storyboard artists drawing for each act. For my act, I have the largest section with the most action to draw out of the three of us assigned to the act. Is that supposed to be a compliment or something?! I think I get this Friday off because of Good Friday. I hope so, as I need a breather to recover from the news that I'm seen as somewhat competent for this crap.

Here's a drawing from a series pitch that I was part of a few years ago. It's based on my amazingly Cute friend, Becca. It's called, "Becca: Nature Girl". I'll explain the premise of it later:


Mike Milo said...

You should ptich that to Frederator. They're always talking about how they need more women making films! All you need is a board or at least a sequence of pics that explain your story...Couldn't hurt! I'd be happy to help you work it out if you want.

Elliot Cowan said...

This is one of the nicest drawings you've posted.

RedDiabla said...

Ewww, the "n" word!

I kid, I kid!