Sunday, May 18, 2008


Ah, the joys of funemployment!

My first week post-Job From Hell has been pretty good, except that it's SO DAMN HOT.

I hate hot weather. Not as much as I hate wind, and when it's hot and windy, I'm a very unhappy soul.

At least Hurricane Ken came to town for a quick visit, and there was an Ant Bully reunion lunch of sorts on Friday. That was fun, even though it was in North Hollyweird where it was approximately 10 million degrees. NO LIE. Next time we all gotta meet up where there's plenty of table space and alcohol to be had.

I forgot to mention that I took part of a group art show that fellow Fight Crew member Vulvarine curated:

Of course the art piece I did isn't really cute.

It's ridiculous.

I painted it on the fly at my last week of work. Yes, I painted. With real paint.

Allegedly people like it, but not enough to buy it.

Ah well.

When I get the painting back I'll take a photo of it and post it.

And I missed the opening reception. Dammit.

Time to go to the beach and mutter under my breath about how stoopidly crowded it is because it's so stoopidly hot. Global warming sucks!

1 comment:

Ken Mitchroney said...

Next time we have a DNA survivors lunch, we should have it in mojave, It will be cooler.
Enjoy the nek'id girlies and thanks for all the Jack.