Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Here's some rough sketches I did for a friend of mine who wants a "hillbilly hula gal" tattoo. This is the easiest drawing I've done in a while. She chose #3, so I'm in the process of cleaning up the linework. I'm not going to bother doing color for it. That's her tattoo artist's job as far as I'm concerned.

I'm still considering getting a coverup for the one measly tatt that I have. It looks horrible now despite the fact that I never go in the sun or anything. The things that are stopping me from getting it covered up is money considerations and what the coverup should be that won't cover a lot of real estate on my arm. There's also the option of removing the tatt. Hmmm, if I become gainfully employed anytime soon that might be the way to go.


Dee said...

Your awesome! That pretty much covers it! :)

justinpatrickparpan said...

Swell designs. Shes lovely!

RedDiabla said...

Dang. I gotta post more voluptuous chicks more often! Thanks, dee and justin!

Unknown said...

yeah whatta cutie, makes me want a jug with xxx's on it! Booooze!!!

RedDiabla said...

"Alcohol: the cause and solution to life's problems!"

--Homer Simpson