Monday, March 06, 2006

Random Mutterings

I spent last Friday in relative seclusion. I worked on Derby Doll crap for the upcoming SXSW bout and stayed home with the husband and did a whole lot of nothing and ate Thai food. I really needed that, as the stress of derby crap is getting unbearable.

Saturday night I went to a party that was hosted by one of the Derby Dolls. I didn't want to go, as it was advertised as a "girls only" party and I'm not much of a girly-girl, but it turned out overall to be more entertaining than I expected. It was a small affair, maybe about 12 girls were present, and just about everyone was drinking except me(I'm planning on not drinking at all until March 16 at around 9:30pm). We ate dinner(delicious Mexican food)and played board games and tried on hats and even painted our fingernails. I learned things about some of the girls that I'd never guess on my own. I'll just leave it at that.

Today I made a button design for SXSW. Isn't it cute?

If you're wondering what the hell it means, the hand signal is a fingerbang, which is kinda the "secret handshake" for the Derby Dolls. There's a backstory to it that's too long to explain here, but it's not as bad as it looks. Well, maybe it is. After all, we are a bunch of sickos.

I was also reading blogs here and there, and it really cracks me up to come across snarky comments on other blogs. They're always made by anonymous posters. Which makes me wonder how gutless these morons are in real life. Stand behind your snarkiness, dorks!

1 comment:

BixDog said...

I love this design, even tho' it's kind of hard to read the text from a distance.
Then again, the shapes work, so the text doesn't matter.
And the 'fingerbang' idea works from 10 miles away-- that's the stuff that matters!